Craving More: A Sign of Growth

You hear a faint whisper that says, There must be more than this.

The next thought you have is almost shaming: Be grateful for what you have and content where you are.

What if BOTH are possible? And not only possible, but also healthynaturalguiding you to what’s next!

As you allow the faint whisper to share its wisdom, you can also be thankful for where you are. In fact, that’s the first step in fanning the flames of desire. And for those of us who need a refresher: Desire is the spark of creation. Desire is a beautiful, wonderful urge toward something “more” or “different,” because at heart, we are creators. We are the energy that creates worlds, so it makes sense that we’d have creative urges galore!

Do you allow the whisper of discontent to reveal the spark of desire within you? Or do you shut it down and tell yourself that you should just be happy with what you have and where you are?

People are very much like flowers. Flowers bloom when the conditions are supportive of their growth. They know how to root into the soil, they understand intuitively how to take in nutrients and let go of what they don’t need, they know where they can and can’t grow. The flower’s blueprint for its most beautiful life lives within, as does ours.

The flower doesn’t have the same consciousness that people do, so it doesn’t wonder why it’s not growing or whether it’s growing correctly or when it’s going to be something other than a flower. It simply does what it’s here to do. But people, with their complex conditioning, often struggle to follow their own inner wisdom for creating their most beautiful lives.

When the whisper comes, make time and space to hear the message. Allow yourself to be uncertain as you open to hearing things that are different from your “usual” thoughts. Be easy and gentle as you explore new ideas, question old thinking, and crave more. That craving for more is our impulse for growth.

Indulge the craving. Explore the impulse. Take interest in the desire. Listen carefully as your next step is shown to you. You aren’t wrong for wanting more…you’re growing. That tells me there’s everything right with you.