Life After Trauma: What's Next?

I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately…

This past month has been a whirlwind, to say the least. Social, economic, political, environmental, and individual concerns are understandably in upheaval, and things aren’t likely to slow down. If you’re aware of your own trauma, the present might feel a lot like the past. You are not alone.

It’s not uncommon to feel stuck, frustrated, and overwhelmed right now, especially if you’re an empath-introvert-creative who craves harmony. If you look to the outside world for that, you’ll be deeply disappointed. And thus we come to the entire point of spiritual practice: To draw inward and discover the treasure of inner peace.

If the shit hitting the fan all around you doesn’t drive you insane, ignoring your inner wisdom will. So please do what’s hard: stop the madness and turn within for every single thing you’ve ever desired.

This isn’t new-age whacko wisdom. This is practical advice from a woman who’s been there and practices what she teaches, day in and day out. And I’m still learning.

When you reach a certain point in healing trauma, you’ll find yourself at a new and interesting place: AT PEACE. And while that’s wonderful, it can also be somewhat disturbing. After all, you’ve gone from not being able to handle changing the toilet paper roll without a meltdown to actually having full ownership of yourself—and excited for even more! This is new territory, and its lack of familiarity can pose a few challenges.

So if you find yourself eager for more but not sure where to go or what to do, you’ve come to the right place. You’re invited to keep reading this blog - I’ve got 3 more posts in the making - to help you figure out what to do when you’re feeling more like yourself than ever…but you’re not sure what to do with yourself.

Also, if you have questions or comments, please share them with me. I’d love to address what’s on your mind.